This is the game.This is the greatest Handheld shooter on this planet.YOU NEED THIS GAME ASAP!
User Rating: 9.8 | Medal of Honor Heroes PSP
MOH Heroes is one game you just need to play.I have Never been addictied as much as this game 10% of my life is now based on this game First of all Single player......Pretty good it really shines there are 15 missions Based around Italy Holland and Belguim.You play as such ledgendary characters as Sergeant Baker , You mainly have three weapons through it such as Thompson , BAR, M1 Garand but there are more weapon pickups and medipacks that drop from enemys just like clips plus you can get medibags to use when you want.The missions are around either capturing certain map locations stealing diffrent plans etc:egnima machine plans also there are side missions like killing german commander or steal the spy plane plans.It also comes in easy green mode with limited unlockables then veteran mode with unlockables its quite a challenge then The very hard HERO.........
Now to multiplayer The thing that REALLY shines ....Online is the thing which you need to do on medal of honor you can use certain clothes you have unlcoked and pick any weapon to use there are 13 maps to play on you can do Hold the line , deathmatch , Infiltration , Demolition and battlelines some games are on teams.EA keep your score like death and kills it determins your ranking currently i am 1476 lol but never mind add me if you are on it i am Secret Luger.EA messanger is a way you can send freind requests , chat look at other peoples scores right down to deaths per minite and kills per minite...Also of course is if you have not got the internet get your m8 to play it on ad-hoc My final score is get this game right now make sure you do it this is the finest handheld game ever REMEMBER THIS......