Wow, An Amazing Game!
User Rating: 9.7 | Medal of Honor GBA
This game is amazingly fun and just a realy cool game. There is a good amount of missions and good sound. The Thompson sounds just like the one in Allied Assault. This game will give you a good amount of fun. The best thing is that you can save youre game and not have to remember passwords. You may beat this game quickly but this game has a great replay value. The enemys are not vegtables, they follow and throw grenades and all that good stuff. You can also drive tanks and use the 88" and the MG on the tank wich is very cool. you can use mounted MG's and you can use demolition charges and Bazookas. There is even a handgun. You get a thompson, a M-1, a B.A.R, a Bazooka, a M-1911, Demolition Charges and Grenades. there is also bunker levels were you are in the first person veiw and you get to shoot people, Tanks, Trucks and barrles. This game is a lot of fun and i think you will enjoy this game alot. Medal Of Honor fans will also love this game too.