- Graphics
- Pearl Harbor level was extremely well done
- Gunplay was not bad
- Shooting down planes was especially fun
- Some gun and level variety
- Fighter plane level
- Narrative is almost non-existent
- It feels like a half-hearted copy and paste from war movies, but never really says anything or describes an actual plot
- Virtually no character building
- Squad mates frequently get in your way
- After Pearl Harbor, highlights are few and far between
- Much of the gameplay is walking very slowly and taking down waves of mindless enemies
- When behind cover, even if your sights are directly on an enemy, it will frequently be blocked by the cover
- Story **** 4/10
- Gameplay ***** 5/10
- Atmosphere ****** 6/10
- Overall ***** 5/10
- Story (characters, narrative, depth, pace, role playing)
- Gameplay (mechanics, fun factor, level design)
- Atmosphere (graphics, environment, mood)