best wwii story and gamepaly ever and japs trying to cap you, crysis in 40's I FINISH IT 5 TIMES
graphs well back then they were great but if you install moh airborne and the newer ageia physx engines then youll see some pretty cool shaders in a model 3 sjader vga card and becuase thye use the same engine physics will be enabled also if you throw a grenade in a hut it will blow up in pieces like crysis, hmm feel a litle threatend? japs face look 90% like crysis, unlike most games pacific assault has an amazing story and not a nazi killing game the whole thing has a meaning, and a training and in the beggining youll get some heroe moments and won use a gun BUT youll blow up *** planes from anti air turrents in a us destroyer youll evn fly a plane and there be dog fight moments like perl habor !
Now on to the gameplay in the jungle which is prettty cool and here the designers explain the longer an enemy aims at you the more acurate the shot will be if he keeps shooting he wil missing! your squadmates are pretty cool and there are all solid characters and the story is pretty cool too you can also give them orders unlike cod and use tactics like suppressing fire but i prefer using the shotgun, the music in the game is propably one of the best i ever heard and weapons sounds are awesome all recorded in a studio also tarawa missions are amazing far better than cod and unlikedcod when you get shoted the screen doenst turn red there also ridge defending sequences and hero moments a lot of action and medals you ll get for bonus objectives and diffirent benefits eg you found a map some levels later you get the oportunity to flank from a secret path the designers explain it took weeks to make the scene perfect and animate it correctly it sound silly but we have too( these guys are serious) and the enemies you face are depending in number with those you killed in the previous, so i got otsay it story is amazing and this is the best wwii game i ever played!