This is a great game and one of my Favorite Medal of honor games.

User Rating: 9.2 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault PC
Gameplay: In this game you start off at Pearl Habour while the Japanese are boming it. So you start off defeding the habour and such. After you go though diffrent missions fighing on diffrent islands and raiding japanese bases in the jungle. The fire fight can be pretty intence and the Japanese solders would accually charge up at you with there bayonets and swords sometimes while your reloading and you will be going **** **** Also there is ther mission where you get to control a plane and take out a few other planes and ships. Also There are no health packs so you are hevealy dependent on your med person in your squad to heal you and you can Issue basic orders like Brothers in arms but you don't really use it that much.

Graphics: Even though this game out in 2004 the graphics still look great and look very nice to look at. The lighting is beutiful and the everything from the water to the faces of the soldiers are very detailed.

Sound: The sound is very good, The Voice acting is well done and the sound of the guns fireing and the artilery fireing sound very real expecally if you have surrond sound.

Value: There is great replay value to the game, I found I played this game several times though and really enjoyed it and after your done that there is a fun multiplayer part though there are limited maps. There are differnt modes in the multiplaer section of the game, There is capture the flag, team and free for all death match and search and destory.

All in all this is a great game and I think is one of the best in the series. There should be more games set in Asia and around the pacifc because the video game market is really lacking in World War Two set in Asia I give this game 9 out of 10