great visuals when i tcomes to facial features,etc...but these graphics dont extend to everything around you.
good blast effects,fog and blood effects as well
most importantly, its the music which draws you in to the game and makes you feel all patriotic and what not!!!
voice acting must be mentioned as it does make you feel that your team is there by your side!!!
BUT,its not a flawless game ...lots of flickering textures in the later part of the game and the japanese soldiers...well they look so zombie like and their movements make you laugh!!!
lack of any sort of aa results in jagged curves...but youll get used to it when u get immersed into the game after a few levels...again thanks to the music...
Also its definetely not a RUN AND GUN and players will have to be extremely patient in order to get past some machine guns without losing health...
health is another aspect of this game which is very interesting but sometimes can be a pain...thanks to ur doc who can patch you up only a limited number of times but an unlimited number of times the rest of the team!!!
sometimes he just doesnt hear you...???
great game but lack of proper AA makes you slap yourself and realise that its still a game and that your not in the pacific...
like i said ...its an amazing experience...but doesnt competely give you the overall sigh of satisfaction when you finish it!!!