The most enjoyable Medal of Honor game avaliable.
Pacific Assault is pretty immersive. The scale of the Pearl Harbor mission is huge, with dozens of planes attacking and dozens of ships exploding. The chaos of Pearl Harbor is quite a site to behold. Most of the missions take place on island jungles. Jungle warfare is really realistic in this game. The enemy can pop out of nowhere and a long firefight may happen. What is really impressive is on the Guadalcanal level. There is a time were you are being bombed and you look up and you see dozens of high-level bombers flying over your head whle at the same time, Japanese zeros will come down and try to strafe you.
The graphics are impressive. There is a lot of graphical detail in the characters, levels, and the weapons. Gameplay is also great. The A.I. acts just like the Japanese from WW2. They will sometimes go in for a banzai charge and you have to look out for that. One good thing about this game is that if you are shot and out of health, it does not neccesarliy mean the end of everything. You can call for a medic and he can come over and save you. Pacific Assault also features quite an amount of arms that you can use that you usually wont find in most other WW2 games. Its neat that you can use the Japanese weapons which is a big break from the German weapons. No MP40s or Kar98 rifles here. There is also quite an amount of American weapons that you dont see in other WW2 games. Like the original tommy gun with the drum clip or the Colt. 45 revolver.
There are down sides to this game though. Sometimes a soldier will talk but you dont see his mouth move. Glitches may happen like you might see a Japanese soldier walk in mid-air above the ground. Some sounds are bad, some sub-machine guns sound like wood constantly clanking together. But Pacific Assaults weakness comes when you do the air mission. I believe the air mission was unneccesary. The ground looks horrible and the controls for the plane are terrible. Sure there are over a dozen missions but some of them take place on the same island. There are only 4 areas to play those missions: Pearl Harbor, Makin Atoll, Guadalcanal, and Tarawa. Pacific Assault can also be difficult on some players.
The online is pretty fun. You know that your fighting humans and not A.I. in the jungle.
Overall, its a great game. It is the most enjoyable MOH game so far. Even the newer MOH games are not as enjoyable. I highly recommend it.