This game reestablished what I consider a mediocre game
This game has a completely different feel from any COD game out there, testing your patience and teamwork as you island hop throughout major historical events. To be frank, the AI isn't anything special at all. I was extremely suprised when, in certain situations, my teammates would simply sit back as I frantically took down enemy after enemy with countless health losses. The enemy AI is also extremely unpredictable, where they would either stand in front of me without attacking or be completely aware of me on the other side of the map. Going off of that, your teammates will rely on you time and time again to either get on the turret, throw the grenade, or plant the bomb. In the end I felt like a one-man army, having to take down several enemies at once as my buddies barked orders.
The health packs add a challenge to the game, limiting it to 4 per level, which are carried around by your medic who follows you through out the level. If you're shot down, it's up to him get to you before you completely back out. This is extremely frusterating, where at times either you'll be stabbed by a *** or will simply run out of time. The AI seems to focus all it's firing at you, so it's really important to take cover whenever in a gun fight. They'll also rush you, proceeding to stabbing you, which in turn will force you to use bandages in the middle of battle to prevent extensive blood lose. It got so annoying that I'd use all of my medic packs in the first few minutes of a level, making the rest of the level a trial-error nightmare. Frickin' annoying!
When you really get into the game however, it gets really fun. The levels look great, and the over all feel is really adrenaline paced with tons of action. The physics don't add much, but they give an amusing look to dead bodies dangling all over the place. The guns are nicely organized, although on a number of occasions I found that the Japanese rifles just didn't do enough damage, even with one hit to the face. Speaking of which....
When I played this game on hard, I was under the impression that enemies would be more difficult to kill. In that assumption, I was right, but I wish I was wrong. No joke; I'd shoot a Japenese soldier in the face three times before he'd go down. The only accurate rifle I could get my hands on was the sniper rifle, which unfortuantly didn't make a lot of appearences. This along with other aggrevations towards the game really ticked me off, so if you're going to play it, play it on a lower setting.
With all that said, this game was overall OKAY. It wasn't the best WWII shooter, and since I haven't played many bad ones I wouldn't call it the worste either. If you're really crazy about just about every WWII game out there, do yourself a favor and pick this one up. If you really like Call of Duty however, you might be severely disappointed. I really wanted to like this game, but in the end it just didn't cut it.