A good old fashon shooter. And it made 4th grade history fun
MOH rising sun was a flat out fun game. I have many memorys playing this game. This games story starts you off aboard the U.S.S California during the attack on pearl harber. You are in your bunk a sleep on a sunday morning and then boom you hear explosions out side of the boat. Then immedeately you are woken by your commanding officer to hop to top side. You then run all over hell to get to the top side of this boat. You put out fires and then go top side to shoot down planes with 50. caliber deck guns. Then your knocked from the boat. After this you wind up on a gun boat and shoot twin 50.cals at the Japanese zeros. You spend this mission definding doomed ships as they are sunk. After this you go to the philipeans to help a squad of Marines off the island and blow up a bridge. Tward the end of the mission your kid brother Danny gets captured by the Japanese. The next mission you run around with a sniper riffle to take out a power station in green hell at mid night. The next stage your in the green hell again. Accept this time you are to take out a anti air craft gun. After this stage you go to singapor and just like all the other MOH games become a member of the OS. This time you run around with proubly my faverite pistle in all of games. Its a lil single shot that delivers death with a single blow. After this you infiltrate a hotel as a Nazi officer (imposter) and spy on the Japanese. Then suveral missions later you beat the game. I wont tell yo any more, dont want to spoil the end.
The Good:
History was right, the guns and fire arms were like they are in real life. Had a good co op multi player and good multi player.
The Bad:
Story was a little bland and graphics left a lot to be wanted. There really was not a plot to it just that your brothers a POW and some how important to the Japanese
The Ugly:
This games controles made me so angry. I was hoping they would addapt to the ps2 better than they did with front line. But no. The game play was not so great. I know I really do like this game, but I gotta say its not good for some one who just wanted to pick up and play.
Jerks Conclution:
This is a child hood vendetta. I still like it. But if I were a little younger I would say this game is the best ever **** every one else. Any who, I give it 7 out of 10 or 3 out 5.