its just...not good, heres why......
technicals- the graphics arent great, they're not bad but there is much room for improvement, they are your average grpahics but after playing many other ps2 games they just seem very rushed,plain and borng textures and details. nthe gameplay is ok, but the fact that you need too shoot a man about 5 times before he dies is just stupid. the AI is also pretty plain, the enemy dont really do anything to trick you, the fact that when your reloading, instead of shooting you in the face they put their gun away in order too pull out a sword....yes, as sword.
the missions themselves arent fantastic ideas either, they are plain and dont seem to improve, the story is dull and it seems strange how the whole war depends on you....thats the other main problem with this game, its so unreralistic, every medal of hoonor game seems to be about you, and no noe else, the fact that you win the war for america just sucks, the fact thaty you are the one man that saves everyone is stupid. the weapons arent really anyting new eiither, there are the usual guns, a mix of machine guuns and rifles etc but nothing spectacualr like the bfg from doom etc.
the one good point of this game i have to say is online, i had more fun online than the rest of the game although it still gets repetetive. the multiplayer campaign is also a bit naff, for starters it chps off the last mission so you cant do it with a mate(which sucks royall seen as its the best mission).
all in all this game is no mre than average and no less than bad, if you love the series then you might well like thhis game but dont expect anyhting spectacular.