What just happened?
The story. MoH games usually do a decent job of setting the atmosphere, and letting you get to know your character through cutscenes and such. As with other MoH games, the cutscenes include actual war footage, which is a nice touch. But, the story was over too quick (see below).
The controls work fairly well once you tweak the sensitivity (the default aiming settings are extremely slow).
The story is over too quick. I was just getting into the story, and it had just reached the climax, and then the credits rolled and it was game over. It was puzzling to say the least. It's like they just cut out a few levels to get the game on the market.
The weapons. The weapons themselves weren't bad, but the damage they did really didn't make sense. If you shot someone with a rifle in their upper body, they shook their hand like they burned their finger. If you shot them in the lower body, the jumped on one foot briefly like they stubbed their toe. Then it took a few more shots to bring them down. It also takes a ton of shots to bring your character down, even with a high powered rifle. However, if an enemy gets close enough to stab you, 2 stabs will kill you almost immediately. But, don't think about taking and using those melee weapons yourself, because you can't. As soon as enemies die, they disappear from the screen almost immediately.
The AI. They're just bad. The game is very linear. Even still, many of the enemies will be facing the opposite direction when you approach. Why would an enemy who is guarding an enemy fortress be looking inwards? I don't know. But perhaps the funniest instance of AI ineptitude was when I was walking through a narrow hallway. An enemy came from behind somehow, but instead of just shooting or stabbing me, he ran right by me in the narrow hall until he was in front of me, and kept going until he was out in the open, then turned around to attack me. There are also parts of the game where you can get behind a mounted gun, at which time a ton of enemies just pour into the open and you can just mow them all down. I guess they don't know what cover is, or even concealment for that matter.
The unlockables (???). Apparently, there are videos of interviews with WWII vets that you can unlock. But even after beating the game, I had zero unlocked, and I have no clue how to unlock them. It seems a little tacky to include videos of WWII vets, but make it so people can't even watch them.
Despite that the cons for this game heavily outweigh the pros, you can see I didn't give the game a horrible score. It has it's faults, but none of them cause too much frustration. There isn't much to this game that I would rank above mediocre, but it's still a playable game if it's something you have in your collection, or something you find dirt cheap.