"It's an MG42!!"

User Rating: 6.5 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard WII
Ok so first off, don't buy this game, rent it, it's not bad but it's too short and there are much better FPS for Wii our now (as in MP3, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, and soon Call of Duty 5, Quantum of Solace and the Conduit).

Ok first up;


-Controls aren't as bad as some early FPS, like Red Steel and COD3, you can customise them a fair bit and they work well enough, just don't even bother trying to use the nunchuk movements, VERY unresponsive, you'll spend half the time doing a 180 turn when you want to reload or jump that seems to be the only move they mapped to the nunchuk well. Wanna know how bad it is? You all know how unresponsive the nunchuk is, well they mapped about 6 different things to it...

-Shooting stuff is pretty satisfying. Getting headshots is amusing.

-Hilarious dialogue. Ok so you might not see it as good but I do, trust me after the 4th cry of "It's an MG42!!" in under 10 minutes you'll be laughing.

-Decent use of cover. The leaning and peering from behind cover works well, and you will have to use it, so it feels fairly technical rather than just running and gunning.


-Aiming. Ok so the controls are pretty decent, but it all feels too twitchy, especially considering it's asking you to pick off distant enemies. Even in the ADS mode it's quite unnacurate. Once you pick it up though it's quite satisfying.

-Charges and samey objectives. Apparently you are Coporal Chargewhore. The only man in the American army who has charges. And you have A LOT of charges. And 50% of the time your objective is to blow things up with said charges. Sadly the other 50% are "Kill all the enemies!!! But watch out they all got MG42'S!!!!"

-Short. It's shorter than a midget with no legs. Yeah it's about 6 hours long maybe a bit longer. It adds some replay with the medal system where you can replay missions do certain things like use all weapons, get a certain amount of headshots in the missions etc. It's a decent system but hardly likely to draw you back.

So overall not the worst game but not one I can recommend, especially not over Heroes 2 with superior controls and online mode. Definitely a rental only unless you find it for a really cheap price and you simply must have a WW2 FPS on Wii.