I love this game, especially the airborne jumps. My only gripe is that the NPC's tend to take the best firing postions.

User Rating: 8.5 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard WII
This was my first "real" game for the Wii, the others being the graphically-childlike Sports and Play. I was hooked from the first jump into enemy territory. Using both the nunchuck and remote for controls was a sharp idea on Nintendo's part; it allows for a more natural shoulder-wide upper body position while playing. Despite the gripes of others, the chute is steerable, allowing a player to guide Keegan to the LZ and earn his wings for the mission. The tricky part is to come up firing after landing.

I love the background sounds. I got a new big screen with decent speakers, so now I better appreciate the distant bass crump of artillery fire that backs up the staccato small-arms fire.

I have just a couple complaints about the game. On the "hard" setting, the bad guys turn into Magic Nazis. Their one-shot kills and/or their focused fire while Keegan maintains good cover in the dark are goofy. They also seem rather difficult to kill. To get around this I took my time and used the headshot. My other beef is that your NPC buddies tend to take the best firing positions. If you get there first, you get pushed out or you'll be unable to peek around your cover to get a shot until you back away. Your squad members also often step in front of you while firing, a major gaff real soldiers avoid.

Even though this is an installment in a long-lived game series, it still provides fun gameplay.