Good rental, but not a keeper.
The AI in the game isn't great, I still wonder if there is AI. The NPC's shoot at you from the same point every time you reload from a save point or start a new campaign. Two new elements are in the game: The shooting around cover and the parachuting. The parachuting might have been nice if you were allowed to look down to see where you're landing and it's impossible to get earn medals when you land on the designated landing zones. The shooting-around-cover feature is nice and useful with the Wii controller, one good element surrounded by other bad general problems.
The Gamplay is nice with the Wii controllers, but could have done better on the button layout. After playing for a while you may start to think that the creators just mapped the main buttons on the controller and then slapped the other features on the controller by random paper, rock, scissors. There's also something wrong with the depth perception with the weapons. When attempting to fire from afar you realize a there's a 2/3 of a second delay from the bullet leaving the gun to actually hitting the target your firing at, even when using a sniper rifle.
The graphics are terrible, what else it there to say. The wii could have done alot better. When taking hits your screen starts to fade in red, not in a good way. It looks like someone is putting a transparent red film on the edges of your screen while your trying to play that make you want to say, "What the h*** is that!" The game itself looks foggy as if the creators tried, and failed, to give the game some atmospheric perspective. The game looks like a pc game on 800x600 resolution on medium texture graphics.
The sound is ok, nothing overwhelmingly great. When an explosion occurs near you your character temporarly has that flash-bang sound and everything temporarily slows down.
Overall, this game is just a rental. If you like WWII games and would like to play one with mutiplayer split-screen for the Wii this is it. But I strongly recommend not buying this game. I did before reading the main review and that was a mistake I don't do often.