short campaign only split screen multiplayer and nothing really new added to moh means 6.0
story C u play as keegen part of some airborne division were u paratroop into battle umm u go from place to place with a barley a story to call its own
gameplay A this is the only reason it got a 6 instead of like a 4 point with wiimote to aim is fun and works great but there is a few little bugs like to realode u hafeta shake ur nun-chuck to the right which takes time to master
grafics C+ not to good bad guys all look the same building are blan but sometime it can look nice and almost always when u look up u see airplanes
extras B- multiplayer is split screen shoot ur friend wich is good clean for a while but they shouldev of had online
as i said before nothing new here besides some negative things leave this medal of honor outing not needing to be on ur shelf