the wii controlls is what holds up this game. take that away and you have a ps1 game. the enemy side looks like they are pasted on washed out graphics. graphics is a big part of a game. some game can be just ok and you still can have fun. but vanguard is just awful graphics. and the enemy dont even act right are die right looks fake. and this is 2007 its hard to enjoy a game when it looks like 10 years ago. and if this is the best the wii can do with other titles. they better stay with wii sports wii play and wii kids stuff. games like this will never hold up in today market of games. and i was hoping and wishing for a fun game i was , and now i am just sad and upset that EA sports can hatch out a game like this to the public. and i have just about had it all the way around with war war 2 games getting old old ben there done that and died there i think. vanguard might make you wish you was dead , and the searchlights dont even move around in the game the job of the spot lights is to look for enemy aircraft. hard to do when fixed in one spot. this game is awful. EA needs to wake up off that money cow one day that money cow will dry up. about had it with there lame games
Other Helpful Reviews for Medal of Honor: Vanguard
All I can say is WOW! I love this. I really can't understand most of the negative comments on this game. Especially those pointing at the controls. Basically, how ever you would like a fps game to play on the Wii, ... Read Full Review
Graphics: Vanguard looks better on Wii than on PS2 (thank god) so anyone thinking in a direct port with enhanced wii remote controls forget it. The game looks ok on Wii but Wii can do much better than vanguard shows u... Read Full Review