People love to hate it, but its another step in the right direction for Wii FPSs.
Gameplay: Lets start with the good aspects of Medal of Honour: Vanguard's gameplay. By far my largest fear when picking up this title was that the turning system would be as flawed as that of Red Steel. Luckily for fans of MOH, EA has spent some more time getting a good turning system down. You will find it a lot easier to time your turns and with a little practice be quite accurate. Unfortunately there still isn't a perfect way to turn on the Wii and that problem will have to be fixed at a later date. The unfortunate thing about the game is that it doesn't provide anything new... at all. All the rest of the gameplay is solid but adds nothing new like all successful franchises do. You have the basic zoom to the reticule and all the rest of the controls are pretty easy to guess. The only fun and improved control was the Wii grenade throwing. By holding B then bringing the controller back and forth and releasing B you lob a grenade and its actually fun, accurate and doesn't feel tacky at all. To sum it all up the gameplay is all solid and fun but like I said it adds nothing and Wii controls for FPSs still need to be perfected. Graphics: I think Ill make this reasonably short and sweet. To be completely honest the graphics are nothing to shake a stick at and barely pass expectations. It is clear from past games on the Gamecube and the Xbox like RE4 that there was a certain standard and now that we have a stronger machine in the next generation we need to produce games of that graphical caliber from now on. In the end they are passable to the point where you can have genuine fun but developers need to spend more time on these games. Sound: Again just like the graphics I'm going to try to be short and sweet. First I have loved the Medal of Honour score produced for the games I really do love the theme but the guys need to get some new music out there. As for the in-game sound effects they are sufficient but never blow you away. The sound of a game or movie makes or breaks it and in this case its just sufficient. In Conclusion: So in conclusion my personal thoughts... What I really think is that if you really believe you want this or have just been waiting for a good FPS for the Wii then rent it first. It provided me with genuine enjoyment and it had good gameplay for the most part but I could see where many people couldn't get past some technical things. For the most part the reason I gave the game such a low score was because it improves on nothing but the Wii turning system and the Wii controls aren't always accurate. Once in awhile you'll want to reload with the Nunchuck and end up turning 180 degrees and getting shot in the back. So rent it first and buy later.