Vanguard is an awsome shooter for the wii and is worth the money. The game has a really good reaplay value and it's fun.
User Rating: 8.7 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard WII
MOH vanguard is an awsome shotter in widh you follow a group of paratropers. The game has very similar controls to COD3 and is very fun to play. The story champnie is very short (it took me 2.5hr. to beat on medium difficulty) but the multiplayer makes up for that and more. The mulitplayer experience is totaly awsome and is just completly worth having 2-4 people over blasting the crap out of each other. as usual MOH mulitiplayer games it has all your regular mode like Death match, capture the flag, etc. The team option is really fun and cool. Also since the wii has a whole new control stlel for shooters it's learnig curve is about 10-40mins, but once you get the controls down for this game you'll probly be able to player all the other shooter for the wii including COD3 and MP3. Vanguard is just a great game and is the game for anybody who likes shooters and owns a Wii.