A mixture of Bad Company 2 and MW2...great multiplayer but lack story telling in single player.
User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor PC
First off, i got this game on the first day it came out. Got excited and the first thing i did was canceled all my appointments and head straight home to give this baby a go. Now, let's touch on the single player. Yes, a bit on the downside on the technicals, graphic issues, a bit of the glitches and bugs. But it doesn't bring down the whole game to ground zero. It's a good mix of Special Forces and normal soldiers on the feel. What it lacks is a good story telling and a much more harden difficulty. Great graphics on textures and characters. But because of this, it did brought the frame rate down during intense smoke or lighting. But if u dont mind turning off some eye candy, it'll run smooth as a babies bum. It has some great level design and some wonderful sound on the weapons. The AI for single player is too fixed on the mapping but still it gives a good fight on the battlegrounds. It's not easy and it's not hard, but maybe EA could put the Hard difficulty up a notch to make it more challenging.All and all, the single player is still worth playing. Battles are great and immersive. Just have to close one eye on the glitches to make it through.
For multi-player, it is great! I've been playing, and i love it. the map are small but it suitable for the amount of players in a match. A lot of choices on the gameplay modes and all of them are fun and addictive. The best of them all is Combat Missions. Tactical and requires strategy to eliminate the appointed targets. Weapons will be unlocked as you progress in rank. The graphics and the sound are similar as Bad Company 2 except the weapons give more impact as you pull the trigger. I give it 8.0, for i myself enjoy a good fps game and i'm indeed very picky when it comes to this type of genre. A lot of servers are online nowadays and there's a lot of players looking for a good fight. So if you're thinking of buying this game, buy it. It's good.