The best of both worlds from Infinity Ward and DICE. I only play multiplayer so I am not rating the single player part (Who plays alone anymore??). The graphics are top notch and as with BC2 it surpasses MW2 quite a bit. Thanks to this game I definitely won't be purchasing Black Ops or any more Call of Duty releases unless they improve themselves. MoH encourages teamwork more than MW2, which is what I like. If you just go out and run and gun by your lonesome you aren't going to last long. Stick with your team and you win. MoH is BC2 with infantry only turned on.
One thing that this game needs is a way to better tell where your friends are so that you can stick with them easier, like having a different color triangle on the mini-map or something.
If you like team play then buy this game. If you like running around and being stupid wait for Black Ops.
Upon the arrival of my pre-ordered copy of MOH and after reading some of the professional reviews on it, I thought to myself, "this can't be as bad as they're saying". Love'em or hate'em, EA generally produces a quality... Read Full Review
This overall game is quite good and very amazing.Its realistic graphic is displayed throughout the multiplayer and campaign gameplay.It features and amazing storyline and epic confrontation from the opposing forces.I hav... Read Full Review