Single player - Horrible Multiplayer - Decent

User Rating: 7 | Medal of Honor X360


Screams CoD and fails. Whilst i was playing it i just kept thinking of how much the developers have tried to be like CoD. Little varitey, the stealth mission is plain boring. Not much here, plus it is very short like less then 4 hours long.


Like battlefield without the destruction and large maps. Dice have done a decent job, this is the only reason i have given it a 7. There are a few game types like TD and a battlefield inspired one. The MP is full of campers sadly and it is fustrating until you get a decent weapon that allows you to fight back. Not many maps for each game type though. Kill streaks are in this game i.e like motor strike for 4 kills. There are a few things to unlock which makes it quite addictive. Medals and ribbons are back which i think is a smart move.

MoH is an ok reboot of the series, although it does try to be like CoD, there is some fun to be had on the multiplayer. 7/10