Lots of fun. but too short and the multiplayer is weak compared to MW2 & BBC2. its perfect for a rent.

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor PS3
ill start with the single player.
takes about 5 to 6 hours to finish. the AI is alright. most times it knows were u r. the graphics r as good as MW2 if not better. good set piece's. but u can only break down so many doors. swears too much. gameplay is good especially the ability to lean from cover into the action and back into cover or look over the top of cover.
i give the single player 8.5 would be better if they added 15 minutes longer to each level.

now the multiplayer.
there is good fun to be have as long as u get up a few levels first. the reason that it is weak is the customized. u can only unlock more ammo, red dot sights, laser sights,silencers and different guns. that is it. you don't get much health about half of MW2 which means staying alive is really hard. especially with so many snipers around. plus the rounds are too short. most game modes last for about 5 minutes or even 2 minutes. only one game mode goes longer then 10 minutes.
i give multiplayer a 7 out of 10
it would be more if u got about double the health.
so i would say rent. only because it last's only ten hours.
a 7.9 out of 10. so 8 then.