2 opposite sides of the spectrum. 1 who like to play call of duty, 2 who want to try something new. You decide.
Who says this is a new series? Medal of Honor has been around a long time, before Call of Duty and Battlefield! Those were some great days. it was my favorite "war game" at the time and I remember having the most fun on Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for the PC. Mainly the multiplayer, which was top notch. It's important to note the success of their multiplayer. Next to maybe Counter-Strike, MOHAA (What we called it heh) was the sh!t. Check out the game here and read some player reviews.
I was excited when I heard MOH was making it's debut to next generation consoles. I hadn't gotten my hands on much Battlefield but most of my friends were big on MW2 so I played the hell out of it, good times. BFBC2 came out and most of my friend tried to make the switch but eventually came back to call of duty. There is this strange love/hate thing with MW2. It has it's flaws but it's gameplay is very addicting, yet at the same time we all want something new to come out to get us away from playing this one game the rest of our lives, lol.
If you hadn't noticed, this review is based primarily on it's online multiplayer. It would be impossible to disagree that most people who buy these kind of games will spend most of their time in matchmaking lobbies.
Touching base on campaign, I enjoy them. This one isn't terrible but others have done it better, I have a feeling many won't finish it or even start this time around. Too bad.
Get into the game, join quickplay multiplayer and you will see the numbers of people in each playlist. If you played other games, these numbers aren't staggering but you will definitely find plenty of good games.
I found the button layout and select class very familiar of course and was on my way. Visually things are a little harder to comprehend, deciding which direction to go can be tough for starters but soon after playing the.. few maps they offer, I was starting to get a hang of it from my past fps experience. Newcomers be warned, there is lots of "head camping" where only enemy heads are visible while they hide behind something, making it hard to see. Spawns are kind of unfortunate, I didn't kill streak until I had a great spot where the enemy were just flooding out and no kill cam made me deadly.
Anyways, the experiences will vary with everyone but as my opener suggested, there will be many of love these realistic shooters but are too accustom to their own favorite they have mastered. People who hate COD might enjoy MOH, same for some people who play BF. BF and MOH have similar aspects, and could easily switch between games.
I believe it's been too long for MOH's revival, I'm not ready to give my final salute though. If you are a fan of Call of Duty, I would wait for Black Ops. If you want to try something new or are a fan of Battlefield you may want to try Medal of Honor. Either way, nothing ground-breaking or much improvement from older titles we already love and still enjoy.