game multiplayer game ever the sound of the fire guns are wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Medal of Honor was, for me, an enormous surprise...The expectations were high, mainly because the scenario for this game is a war that we are all familiar about. I believe they made an excellent choice when they gave up the World War 2 scenario to bring us a brand, new war style, new weapons and last-generation graphics. I'm not telling that their last games were bad, of course they weren't...but this one may have been, for me, and so far, their best work...The stealth missions were something spectacular, and I didn't get enough of those missions...This game clearly forgets the "shoot 'em up" mode and offers us a new and addictive perspective of a stealth team, "Tier 1". So, to conclude, I am now expecting a sequel, because the last cutscene of the game is very explicit about that...It's been a while since the last time I played such a great game...Congratulations, EA!