love it

User Rating: 8.5 | Medal of Honor X360
you've got to love it!
i havent got black ops yet mainly because i dont go on line all that often i'm not always a lover of call of duty or medal of honor games but this has had me playing a lot and really enjoying it, love the action and story line to it.

enjoy doing different things shooting from helicopters, laser marking targets for rockets , machine gun sortes , ungaurded bombs laser gaurded bombs is such fun. using night vision, sniping targets from 1000+ yrds its quality! driving quads into battle , getting shot , rankimg up heads shots, cutting trees down with mini guns,,,so much fun and killing frollocks!

most of all i love the fast paced killing missions with what feels like the right level of inntensity which i love and keeps me wanting to complete the game #

all in all a great game that i cant knock next in line is fable 3 and black ops ...i havent tried fifa 11 yet but normally would have maybe i'm getting on somewhat hahah