Its not as bad as the review makes it to be, but its far too short...
Sure its not perfect, but then what is? It has some of the most intense and realistic firefights you'll see in a game. The graphics are impressive and you can't help but marvel at the improvements these games have made graphically in the last few years. I also loved the weapons and their overall feel; It actually feels like you are firing an item of power (very similar to what it felt like when firing a weapon in BC2) and the damage system, while not extensive, does enough to make it feel like your f**kin s**t up! The AI wasn't too bad either with the enemy finding cover and flanking you when they could. One thing though is that I found the bad guys didn't seem to go down sometimes when shot, but then 'hey' I just shot them a few more times and those invisible kevlar vests gave way eventually. What I didn't enjoy and this can be seen in so many FPS games is that it feels like your the 'Commando' in the group and everyone just waits for you to turn up 'Kick some A**' then move on. I came across a few scenario's where I would come across my teammates just hanging about where about 10 metres away there were some bad guys hiding behind crates? I know Arabs can be sneaky, but I think my boys needed to get their eyes checked. Otherwise, I found that I would rock round around the corner and they would be shooting and no one was going down? Its not frustrating, but its obvious enough to make you consider shooting your teammates on the side of an isolated cliff where noone would know the truth about happened.
Finally; the games story. Intense; though you never really get the chance to connect to the main characters. Some story arks were also just annoying (a certain suit wearing general). Still, when you get into the thick of the action, its very intense and provides a nice perspective in the way some operations in that part of the world might be handled. A couple of qualms would be that the single player campaign is dastardly short! so short that when the game finished the first thing that cross my mind was 'panic' and the thought I had been robbed. Which, I'm sorry to say is the truth and I hope that the developers take that into consideration for any future installments. (the game was finished on hard in around 3 hrs).
To conclude; the game is excellent with minor issues, but the single player campaign is far too short to justify the price tag. Hire and have fun as the gun fights are worth the rental price.
Note to Electronic Arts: I am open to bribes as I have a big power bill coming.