Who saw this coming? I think most of us did.

User Rating: 6 | Medal of Honor X360
Ah... Medal of Honor...

I was hooked into this game because of its advertising and video posts about how the developers of MOH were consulting with actual special forces soldiers for authenticity. During Monday Night Football No Less!

The single player campaign was beautiful. I suppose the game play was realistic, but was way to short. I was very annoyed with the driving the ATV. It felt like I was playing Cruisin' USA arcade game. The response was off. I feel that the developers paid more attention to the details of this game rather than the basic game play features or options that bring gamers back.

At least to me, the MOH multiplayer was annoying. From the point that I needed to create an account to play, to the simple fact that I couldn't customize my weapons or equipment. Everything looked beautiful, but there was something huge missing that made me put this game away. It may have been that a shot from a pistol dealt out the same damage as a shot from a sniper rifle. I commend MOH for its efforts to get back in the spotlight. They have been out of it since MOH: Airborne which was no gem either.

The landscape and attention to detail in single player was right on target, but the efforts on gaming fundamentals were lacking.

Thank you