A rich game thats got some of the same stuff from the old games but what about the language?

User Rating: 7.5 | Medal of Honor X360
An intense and realistic game but the AI arent too good. The cutscenes are too long and boring, and this game stops you from doing alot of things you want to do such as jumping off a small ledge. A very well done game but it wasnt like the other classic Medal Of Honors such as my favourite of the series, MOH Europian Assault. This does have a few bugs like one time I was ment to get a buddy boost from my friend but instead of helping me they just stood there. The language is very... Intense unlike the other MOH's but makes the game better as in realism. A few parts are just awesome and fun but some parts are a bit boring. Sometimes I had no idea where I was ment to be going but that only happened once or twice. Rent before you buy. I loved this game but it needs a few tweaks and there needs to be a big update that fixes all those bugs ive come across. Overall I give this game 7.5/10 or a 3/5.