Well In Medieval 2 Total War : Gold Edition you get two games Medieval 2 and Medieval 2 : Kingdoms. Medieval 2 is a great game and when you add the expansion the Total War game becomes ADDICTING. I have a lot of games and so far this game and has not bored me at all because there's a lot to conquer and you can be so many different factions.The most funnest factions for me so far has been Spain and England because I like there location so when you are England you just have to take the Irish at the top of England and that whole eace of land is yours. Spain is great also because they are the first to discover the new world, which means you are the first to play on that land before England or France get there. The game is good all around awsome graphics, great sound, fun gameplay and the BEST strategy game so far, cough* cough* (until Empire: Total War coes out). This game Is a MUST HAVE.
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