'Go Kingdom of France', and all my men rushed forward to their deaths as I sat back and told them how to do it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Medieval II: Total War PC
I remember so many long years ago when there was a TV programme which was based around taking a load of men and ordering them what to do on the battlefield and seeing if the team could win. It was actually interesting to watch. It must have been because I have the worst memory ever and I can still remember that one programme. So when I heard that there were games such as this already on the market, I decided it was time I slaughtered some men. Luckily, Medieval 2 had just started being sold and I got a copy ready for some blood filled action. I was thoroughly impressed. The battles are fun and sometimes quite challenging when you are outnumbered. The units look amazing and they fight well although I didn'tlike how every time I tried to kill the leader of a country, he just ran away. Building up an empire is difficult what with rebels and it was impossible to stay on the right side of the Pope. Eventually, I did complete the game and thoroughly enjoyed it along the way. The battles are tense and once you got some better units, it is quite easy. There were some minor flaws such as the fact that you could completely kill an army with crossbowmen because they would just stand there as they got fired at. Also, my assassins always died after failing miserably at killing anybody. I'm considering Kingdoms, but there's so many other good games out at the moment, it will be difficult to choose. Great game. 'Retreat Kingdom of France' and my men fled to the hills thinking we were losing.