Once you patch it to version 1.2, this is a classic RTS game and a worthy follow up to Rome: Total War.
User Rating: 9 | Medieval II: Total War PC
I played RTW to death! and I am currently playing M2TW to death. I have beaten this game as both England and the Holy Roman Empire. At version 1.0 and 1.1, the bugs of this game definitely take away from the experience. Once at 1.2, however, the enemies you fight seem slightly incompetent instead of a bunch of brain dead monkies. The more detailed political options on the campaign map really boost the experience. Diplomats, merchants, and princesses really help in giving you the feeling you are enacting the foriegn policy of a nation and not just killing everything. The combat is still the best part. You will definitely get your fill of bloody medieval combat in this game. Thousands march off to die on your whim should you desire. The graphics are detailed and give you the sense you are in a living, breathing world. Overall this is an outstanding game and I am eagerly anticipating whats coming next for the Total War franchise. I just wish they had released it a little later.