Its funny how old games can be re-created bigger and better, medievil does exactly that.From the memorable bosses to the hilarious cut-scenes its a must- buy game.The gameplay may be repetitive but inside its a solid game.The frame-rate is a bit choppy at times but some of the lighting effects work great.The addictive mini-games are a treat and the mases of weapons work perfectly in a game like this.Medievil is the best PSP platformer out there.This game will have 10 to 20 hours depending how you play it.This game though might be a little to funny for more hardcore gamers
This game is one of a few games gamespot has reviewed wrong. Medievil Ressurection is a fun satisfying game. The plot of a hero having to defeat a villian...the same as many games. You get a good assortment of weapons in... Read Full Review
MR has such a great presentation. The characters are memorable, the voice acting and the cut scenes are outstanding for a PSP game and the plot itself is absolutely hilarious and sinister t the same time. The graphics ar... Read Full Review