Medievil: Resurrection is a remake of the original Medievil game. (And a great remake I must say!)

User Rating: 9.5 | MediEvil: Resurrection PSP
This game features Sir Daniel Fortesque, a cowardly knight who fell victom to the first arrow of the great war of gallowmere. He was hit directly in the eye and after years of rotting, lost his frickin' jaw... Ouch... Now he's been resurrected and given a second chance to prove that he's a hero. This game features returning levels and some new levels. All of which are great fun. Theres also Gallowmere Plains, the undead carnival where you can play tons of crazy minigames. Trust me, this game is well worth it's price tag! You'll love cuttin' up zombies and destroying the incredibly ugly Zarrock. OH! And theres also the addorable but annoying Al-Zallam! This game is so much fun and has a great sense of humor! Pros: Great sense of humor. Great graphics. Manages to capture the feel of a Medievil game without having to be too similar. Good sound. Good storyline. Al-Zallam is possibly one of the cutest characters in gaming. Descent ending. Lot's of returning levels AND some new levels. Good level design. Descent length.

Cons: Sir Dan holds some weapons in stupid ways. Most weapons are two handed. This could possibly be the best remake in gaming history. But I could be wrong. Either way, it's a 9.5/10 :)