MediEvil was a great game on the PS1, This re-make, well named - MediEvil: Resurrection is just as good.
For every bad side e.g. camera, there is a good side e.g. Although the camera is god-awful, it can be easily corrected.
Another example would be the fighting system, although it is slow and clunky, it has a lck-on that means that enemies ARE hit, instead of you just randomly swinging about. The graphics have received a well needed brush-up, but thankfully, the voice acting has been kept the same. I think Tom Baker is a great Narrator!
+ Great voice acting
+ Immersive Plot
+ A great remake of the original
- Dodgy camera makes life hard
- Fighting system is clunky at best
I hope that you enjoy this remake of the all-time classic that was: MediEvil