
User Rating: 9.5 | Medievil PS
Medievil. Where to Start...

Story:You are Sir Dan. A hero who shot in the eye in the first few seconds in the battle against Zarok, the evil sorserer. Now, Revieved by Zarok's evil magic, you must redeem yourself as the hero of Gallowmere!

Gameplay:The best part of the game. You start with a short sword,with simple controls to attack and defend. Along you're adventure,you will solve somewhat difficult puzzes and gain new weapons. Just plain old fun.

Sound:The zombies sound nice(spoofy of course) but the real star is the music. Most of the music is ambient, but it makes sweet love to the level design.

Control:Simple! X does a fast attack,square does a long attack and circle jumps. later in the game the triangle button does a daring dash.

Graphics:wonderful. classic style graphics beat the heck out the PSP remake!