Overall Mega Man 2 is a classic game with only a few slight problems.
There is great platforming here. Despite this game's lack of challenge, it is incredibly fun to play and replay. Each and every level has a new theme a elements fun to play through over and over again. On one ice level, you slip through the level with ice. On another you ride clouds in the sky to reach the end of the level. In Quickman's level if you stop, you get shot be lasers. There are also many other things like disolving platforms and spikes.
The bosses are defeated by using one of the special weapons received from a previously defeated boss. They each can do more or less damage depending on the weapon. The adds a bit of strategy with the bosses having attack patterns too. However not by much because they game doesn't utilise the weapon system as well as later games in the series but is still very fun to play through. They are some issues though like how there is a slight delay when you have Mega Man walk.
The graphics are amazing. The details on so many things are outstanding for the NES. Things are nicly animated and bosses are huge. The backgrounds are colorful too. There are some bland spot though like Skull Castle.
Mega Man two has a better soundtrck than many other Mega Man games. They are classics you will remember for a long time such as the Willy theme. The music is fast-paced with fast beats. It is catchy but it doesn't really match what you are doing in the game so much being Mega Man is kinda slow in the game.
Mega Man 2 is a great game. It only has slight issues such as the weapon system not as good as the other Mega Man games, slightly short, and not much of a challenge. However it is a great platformer with a wide range of levels, great graphics, and an excellent soundtrack.