The Blue Bomber shows again; better than before
The graphics are pretty much the same from the first game, but they are more polished and don't flicker as much.5/5
The music in this game is incredible and features some of the best tunes ever on the NES or in any video game ever.10/5
The game is non-linear action game. Insted of only 6 robot masters, this time are 8, and they are some of the most memorable of the series ever, such as Metal Man, and their powers are incredible too, such as Metal Man and Quick Man powers. Unlike the "bridge gun" from the first game, this time are 3 other power ups to help you on the stages. The Wily stages are very well designed too, with the bosses being very creative and hard, and the final battle is just epic.5/5
This is must play for any gamer. The care put into this game is incredible, and you will absolutely love it and comeback to play after the first time. Be sure to give it a shot, no matter on which plataform, just play it.