One of the most challenging games that I have ever experienced growing up. Definitely one of the greatest of all time.

User Rating: 8.8 | Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo NES
This is probably the second game I have ever played growing up next to Super Mario Bros. Mega Man 2 was my life when I was 5 and 6 years old, and for some reason I remember never completing it. I remember that I could only defeat Flashman and Bubbleman and that was it. I would then turn off the game and start over. My anger led me to cast this game into a deep hibernation for almost a decade. Today, it is much more different. I recently busted it out after all those years of suffering defeat and forgetting that I still hold one of the best classic games for the NES. The music is superb, and I will always remember the Mega Man series for its music and boss-level themes. The thing I never realized growing up was that there was a specific order you had to fight the robots to make them much easier than just using your pellets. I suppose I was mentally inclined then. The gameplay is still great and the game packs in a difficulty that would make any person give up and break his or her controller. The graphics were simple and the boss designs were pretty cool though quirky at times (Metal Man looking like a mad doctor!). The opening theme at the title screen is still priceless. Since being a youngster, I was finally able to conquer what I have long lost forgotten, and I finally feel I completed a puzzle piece missing from my childhood. This game will forever remain in my heart and Mega Man will always be one of the best characters from any video game.