It has the best in it's series and for the NES. This sequel is definitely worth it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo NES
Mega man 2 review by Dgalmun

Hey this is me dgalmun, and I'm going to review mega man 2 for the NES. Mega man 2 was the sequel to mega man and is a platform, action game created by Capcom and was released in July, 1989. The game is probably one of the best games for the NES and for the mega man series.

The game takes place in the future in 2010 or 200X, where Dr. Wily the villain from the last game made a new fortress and created 8 more robot masters to destroy the city, and so Dr. Light sent mega man to defeat the 8 robot masters and defeat Wily in his castle for fortress. And there the scene goes up and up and up and up and then…. And there mega man is up at the roof without his helmet. Isn't that awesome with the music and his hair waving, that was cool back then and it still is well not really.. But it doesn't a touch to the plot too much it's just Dr. Wily getting revenge so he can destroy mega man.
Plot- 4/10

The good: The music from the opening is really cool for the game, and it actually gets it's own ending too.
The bad: When you go to a direction, there is sorta a delay so it can get you frustrated especially when you fall off ledges.

The game play gets a better rating in mega man 2. The controls are pretty good, it's the same as mega man's controls. It's the same thing mega man killing enemies with his arm cannon and jumps and platforms and kills boss, gets power and defeat Dr. Wily. Like always there's a order you have to beat the robot master. It should go like this.
Metal man (arm cannon or quick boomerang)
Air man (arm cannon or leaf shield(go behind him))
Crash man (use air shooter)
Bubble man (metal blade)
Heat man (Use bubble lead)
Wood man (Use atomic fire (fully charged) or crash bombs)
Flash man (Metal blade)
Quick man (Use time stopper or crash bombs. Try firing a crash bomb at a wall standing right below it. Quick man will come for you and he will come right in the explosion.)

Follow this order and you should get to wily in 10 minutes. I also like how useful some of the power ups are, metal blade is very useful in the game. A new feature in the game is the numbers these will help you in obstacles that you can't reach, it can fly through the air and go up and up and up, and climb like a hitchhiker this is Dr. Light's inventions to help mega man in order to defeat Dr. Wily. What I like about the game play is the new the energy tanks, this is what it makes the game great as it can be. When you're almost out of health bars and you don't know what to do then you can use energy bars to raise it up at full health. The passwords is another thing I like, you're finding out the passwords and go back where you were. It's a really nice addition especially with the music so you won't go mad. When it comes to polish it gets a perfect 4/4. The animation is the same as the last mega man game but it's even more better, such as… The dragon in wily stage 1. But it's quite cute when there's miniature bomb birds flying out in the demo, seriously it's cute, you can't stand it. Animation gets a 3/4. The difficulty is good for the game, it's just plain easy and it's good because little kids were probably screaming to their minds from the difficulty of mega man. But there's 2 difficulties there's normal and difficult they're both easy and not really hard to get frustrated on.
Difficulty gets 4/4. This is a good start for beginners to play this game especially when they don't what the hell they're doing. The graphics have gotten a little bit detailed from the last game, but it's still a flat out in the back round if you know what I mean, graphics gets a 2/4. The game play is pretty much better from mega man.
Game play 10/10

The music also gets you moving into playing the game, the opening music has really good beat to it, actually all the music in the game is amazing to people who've played this, this game has the best music in it's series. The music is just memorable, you will hum the songs while you're eating some soup, it's also the first one to feature the music's own opening and it carries to the ending. But the sound effects aren't that great to be honest, it's just decent but it can tingly. ¼ for sound effects.
Music a perfect 10/10

Overall this is a good game, and I recommend people who like the mega man series and they should start with this game, it's easy and it will not frustrate them so much. The replay value is worth it, but sadly you can't go back to the stage you defeated the robot master in. But at least there's passwords so you don't need to cry like one of those cry babies, lots of charm and great game play. Mega man 2 gets a 9.2 out of 10.