User Rating: 6.5 | Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? NES
Megaman 5 is quite possibly the weakest of all the NES Megaman titles. That being said, what is it that puts this games score lower than the rest... the difficulty level! its way too easy, I can play this game with my feet! don't get me wrong, its a good game, lots of fun, its just that the other megaman title on the NES are more challenging and just better. If your looking for a really good Megaman game, try 2 or 3, but if you struggle with the other titles, this is a good game for you, and since you can't buy it at any stores that i know of, I would recommend finding a collection.What else is there to say, I guess I should talk about the good things, because this game is pretty good. Megaman 5 isn't really much different from the other Megaman games, mainly because it is the same basic idea, kill all the robot masters by useing their weaknesses, and get to the end to defeat wily. Along the way you will encounter many of wily's minions, and even an evil Protoman. Megaman has to once again stop dr.wily and get his brother. This game might not be a challenging platformer like the others, but its still better than 7.