review 40!!!
thanksgiving is here so lets play mega man 5.since there isnt
many more days of November left im just goona do the nes mega man 5 its too easy.the bosses are kinda
the same and well it gets boring.well not everything is good.well
lets play super castlevania 4.wait i must play mega man you
get this annoying level that your upside down and wow it sucks.
thank god this thing don't happen in real you have to battle
even more robots and once you beat Dr.wily again he cries.this
is the 5th game and they cant come up with something new.well
that's it time to destroy this.BAM.bye gamers.JUST KIDDING.
lets play mega man 5 for game boy.its kinda the same but on
a game boy screen.i cant see this screen.thank god for super
game boy.i did a review on that and its stay tune for
mega man 6 and mega man 6 for game boy.