Mega Man is back in 8-bit? Interesting.
Now, this game brings back Mega Man in 8-bit. That's not really a bad thing though. I was disappointed that they didn't bring back the charged Mega Buster and the sliding. They went a little too far in classic Mega Man in that way, if you ask me. This game has the traditional 8 Robot Masters like before and they even have a women Robot Master (Splash Women)! This game is kind of hard, but not as hard as the very first Mega Man game, which is probably the hardest game in the original series.
Since this is classic Mega Man, of course the graphics here aren't up to par with the average Wii game. They look just like the graphics on the NES Mega Man games, which was what they were meant to do. Although, it's kind of hard to believe they can still create games with NES graphics these days, even after how graphics in games evolve.
This game was surely worth the 1000 Wii points. I'm really glad they decided to create Mega Man 9. Now lets hope for a Mega Man 10 and a Mega Man X9.