It's a bit hard I would say but difficulty make u addicted to it.

User Rating: 7 | Mega Man 9 X360
If this game was comparable in graphics and difficulty of the MM2 and MM3 I would have given this game a 10. I was a bit dissapointed by the graphics first cause I couldnt remind of any megaman games back on the NES that had so few details in their background. In the water stage (sorry I don't remind the name of the robot) there's a big part of the stage where the background is only a baby blue filled one no details or any kind of structure. Another stage is filled with a full black background wwhere u'r jumping from platforms to platforms.

The music tho is really gr8 and it pays respect to the ol' MM ones. I just luv the 2&3 :P The difficulty should have been a bit easier cause this game is hard and it seems Capcom has recently inscreased their classic games releases difficulty for hardcore fans specificly - wink* wink* SSFIIHDRemix.

This is a good game - u should give it a try if u like MM games.