Great game for old school fans of mega man
There were great for there time but now, it kind of seems outdated but you can still get a great time with this game even if the graphics are outdated. Nothing much to say expect that they look just like there NES conterparts
The reason I gave this a good score was because it sounded just like the NES, SNES, and playstation games. Nothing much eles in the sound departent.
Ok, you should already know the games story but just in case you never learn the story, it about a robot made by Dr. Light and you have to take on evil robot made by Dr. Wily, (six in the first game, eight in the others). That about all the story there is.
ok, The game goes like this, you shoot people while running to the end of the level to face the boss and gain there powers. In this game, they added new move to help you in your adventure but it still going to be hard. Really good gameplay if you like dieing a lot
This is an collection, it should have some extra, it does like pic and two extra games and a cartoon ep for playstation and a interview for game cube version and both for the xbox version. good stuff in the extra
Which version should you get between the three version
Gamecube if you like G4 interview and don't mine the control being mess up
Playstation if you like cartoons and the control (they are the best out of the three)
Xbox if you really like extra and don't mine the control being kind of wired.
Overall, this is a good game that everyone should play.