Megaman fans rejoice! Finally, a good collection of our beloved games!
Let's admit it now...Megaman was never about the story. Wily attacks, sends robot masters, Megaman wins, Wily goes to jail, only to bust free and begin the cycle anew. Only in Megamans 6-8 did we actually see a mix up in the story, with a slight one in 4 and 5, but the changes are small and the game remains basically the same...
But playing Megaman for the story is like playing PacMan for the graphics. The story just isn't where the fun is.
Since these are the old Megaman games, poor grpahics among the earlier ones can be expected. If only the developers had worked out some bugs in the earlier games, things would've been better. Like what, you ask? In the earlier NES Megamans, the game would glitch out here and there, and the problem is blatantly present in MAC. In addition, the huge number of things in this game causes some of the newer titles to lag here and there, however, these are minor issues, and the fans can easily overcome them.
MAC's gameplay is simple: run, jump, shoot, and maybe even slide. It isn't a difficult concept to grasp, allowing even the most ignorant (to Megaman) of gamers to learn just what is so great about the series. Also, the bosses remain in their original greatness, with every robot master as threatening as the last (except maybe Clownman...He's a clown...). The thing new gamers with learn about Megaman in MAC, however, is how difficult the game truly is. The platforming aspect is full of challenges, whiel the enemies are each unique and must be approached in different ways to overcome them.
MAC is a great game full of worth while unlockables that even the most learned Megaman fans will be able to enjoy. MAC is also simple enough to easily introduce new fans to the series. Overall, this game is easy to get into and simple to enjoy.