a greate collection!
Graphics:9.0. at the time these graphics were awesome. the emulation was perfect on the garpichs. their are some games that have some poor grapichs. but most of them are good.
Sound; 7,0. agian at the time the music was good. but not all of the tracks are good. this 7 if for the good music
Gameplay:8.0. the same as anyother game to thouse that have never played a mm game you bacicly pick a stage go thrugh the level then you fight a boss. when you kill him you get his wepon. and you do the same thing agian with another level..
value10.0: the value is perfect 10 games for $15 bucks? amzeing expesally at a time when nintendo is brave to sel nes games on the gba for 20 bucks.
overall this is a great collection i highly recomend this game to all.