Great Game go buy it if you don't own it
User Rating: 9.3 | Battle Network RockMan EXE 2 GBA
This had to be the best game in the series. The story was superb. It goes, You are a young 5th grade boy named Lan Hikari. His best freind is his NetNavi named Mega Man. One day they discover a Net Mafia group named Gospel. Its Lan and Mega Man's goal to stop them no matter what. The battle system was the same as the first games, but with some added features. First is Style Change, in which Mega Man goes through a change in armor to gain a new element and a new stat dominence. The bosses and enemies have gotten an upgrade. Their AI is superb and is a challenge for even experienced players. Many of the bosses take from 10 to 30 tries to beat, they're just that hard!!! There is also a multitude of new chips to get from normal Cannons to the most feared NetNavis chip.....Bass. The puzzles can have someone inexperienced with these kinds of games in a conundrum for hours or even days. If you are going to buy andy Battle Network game, this is the one to buy.