Not as good as it seems to be...
User Rating: 5.9 | Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue GBA
MMBN 3 is more improved than the first two games of course, along with its line of new features, but for most people, it will get very annoying later in the game. The style changes have improved from the second version, and so have the graphics. But the storyline isn't that good in this version, and the music is the dullest thing that can make your mood intensely depressed. Then again, the good music MIGHT cover up, giving it an average score. WWW is back, if you remember from the first version, with brand new members. This time they're after the TetraCodes to disable the gates to the master-program Alpha, which is sealed away in SciLab. Of course, your job is to to stop all the members and their Navis, follow the storyline in which you're iscolated to do so, and finish the game. After you beat the main game and explore the Undernet and the other districts, there's a way to get to the Secret Areas where new adventures await, and besides that, you still have to collect 200 chips, the remaining Mega and Giga-class chips, obtain a complete PA library (there are about 30 PAs in this game, and they're pretty cool), and other tidbits like these. If your the kind of person that loves these type of games above all, you might not feel that bad playing it later in the game, but after the storyline's over, you might as well get rid of it. Overall, I rate this an average class game for the GBA.