This is one of the best games that I have ever played for the GBA.
One of the coolest things about the game is that you can change of styles and of element and there are 5 types of styles and 4 elements. The styles are Guts, Shadow, Bug, Shield, and Custom. The Guts style allows you to have a machine gun instead of a normal one shot gun. Shadow style is like a ninja style that allows you to go invisible when you charge you mega buster. Bug style is really hard to get because for that you have to program Mega Man in a wrong way so that he is always screwed up and he will get the Bug style. What’s neat about that style is that it has weird effects on Mega Man which they could be really helpful or really devastating depending on your luck. Shield style is all about defense and how to protect your life, this happens when you use to many recovery chips. This style is kind of cool but the defenses that they give you are not really that helpful. Custom style is just a style were you get it by use a lot of Navi Chips like for example using Roll chips a lot, there really is no point to this style. And the 4 elements are fire, water, wood, and lightning.
I hope that this kind of gave you an idea of how the game works and how cool it is.