MegaMan Battle Network 3 was the midpoint of the series, and it is likely the turning point for the MMBN series.
Graphics: 8/10. Ugh, again? With the exception of some of the chips (and the redesign of the Custom Screen) they reused every sprite from Mega Man Battle Network's 1 and 2. However, that's not saying the graphics aren't good. In fact, the sprites are some of the best I've seen on a Game Boy Advance game.
Sound: 10/10. The sound in this game is very memorable. Most of the tunes in this game are reused, but slightly changed to fit the ever-changing lifestyle of Lan Hikari. The most memorable of all the tunes is ACDC Town, as this is Lan's hometown for five of the six MegaMan Battle Network games.
Gameplay: 10/10. Oh, yes. Yes, yes, a million times YES. The gameplay in this game is so exquisite. The battle system has undergone some changes, including the counter system -- you have to time your attack just right, but the enemy has to die in the process. Depending on the number of enemies you counter, you can gain BugFrags for your efforts. So far, the numbers I've seen are 1 for 1, 3 for 2, 5 for 3, and 10 for a boss.
Storyline: 8/10. Yes, the storyline (and the dialogue -- oh, how I loathe the typos in this game) is choppy in places, and some scenes can leave you scratching your head and saying, "Wha?" But still, some of the lines that the character's say are hilarious...some even made me 'rofl.'
Overall Score: 9/10. The game is a blast, but some rough cuts, and grammar mistakes, make it fail to make a 10/10.